Ambient support

30 01 2009


Simple combination of message and channel results in this great anti-censorship ad for Amnesty International.

Call to action should have been to go to website.

How can I persuade people to give via my website?

25 06 2008

With the growing awareness that average donations online are higher than those from other channels, more charities are focusing on driving traffic to their website.

Research conducted by Amnesty International in the states has focused on investigating what factors influence people who actually arrived at their site. So, instead of focusing on what they needed to change in terms of lead generation, they were examining what to do to improve the conversion rates of the leads generated.

What a brilliant strategy!

The study was conducted with amazing integrity and focus on how o measure the impact of small changes. And their finding was that small changes can make a big impact.

Using a politely worded “ask” compared with a more slogan driven approach had a significant impact on donations.

“Please make a tax-deductible gift today to stop the abhorrent practice of extraordinary rendition”

Yielded a better conversion than…

“Donate Now! Help us end extraordinary rendition!”

They also found that there was no need to be demanding. Using firmer language on the donation button (“Donate Now” instead of “Submit“) did not produce statistically higher

Take a look at the report and consider how you could use the insights to test what works for your supporters.